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The best Korean restaurants in our area

The best Korean restaurants in our area

Categories : Flavours & Gastronomy, published on : 9/9/15

Located close to the Porte de Versailles and just a few metres from the Vaugirard Metro station / line 12, the Hotel Eden invites you to discover its selection of the best Korean restaurants in the neighbourhood.

Korean cuisine is on the menu at Bong

For authentic Korean cuisine in the heart of Paris it’s difficult to find anywhere better than the very popular Bong. For over 10 years this restaurant has made the taste buds of guests dance, amidst a friendly and warm Asian atmosphere. The mood, the service, the wide variety of dishes ... Everything is taken into consideration to give diners the impression that they’ve travelled to the other side of the world. Among the specialties, do not miss the Korean BBQ. You’ll enjoy the delectable appeal of this marinated and grilled assortment accompanied by traditionally presented vegetables.

The refined dishes offered by Gwon's Dining

Not far away you can find Gwon's Dining, a charming restaurant for true fans of Korean cuisine. Here you are welcomed in a friendly atmosphere where culinary specialties are plentiful and superb. There’s kimchi, bulgogi and traditional sinsollo to make your mouth water, but the menu changes regularly and promises new dishes and thus new discoveries at every visit. A victim of its own success, the restaurant is often crowded, so reserving a table is advised.

The accessible and authentic cuisine of the E-da

Often described as one of the best Korean restaurants in Paris, the E-da has a chic décor and a classy ambience. The choice dishes offer a quality / price ratio that we think is without equal and you’ll emerge well satisfied! Squid stir-fry with noodles, spicy grilled pork, fried shrimp... You'll be spoiled for choice when you look at the inviting menu, with each dish more succulently tempting than the last. The E-da is a delightfully typical small local restaurant with a big heart.


Picture Korean food - Bulgogi copyright holder : Photographer Nate Steiner under CC BY 2.0 licence by Wikimedia Commons.

Hotel Eden Paris, a Hotel with garden, close to the Porte de Versailles

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