Best boutique hotels in Paris rated by TripAdvisor
Categories : Hotel Eden News headlines, published on : 2/26/14
Best boutique hotels in Paris are rated by visitors all over the world on the renowned TripAdvisor website, and at Hotel Eden, we're proud to be included in TripAdvisor's top 60 of all hotels in Paris.
Best boutique hotels in Paris attract warm comments
Travellers who comment on TripAdvisor are always honest in their remarks, never holding back when there's even the smallest thing wrong. At Hotel Eden, we're delighted to be rated number 52 out of TripAdvisor's listed 1,794 hotels in Paris. That number includes some of the world's most luxurious hotels, with nightly rates at least ten times our rates.
We aim to offer boutique standards and a personal service at affordable prices, taking advantage of our central location, which combines a quiet neighbourhood with views of the Eiffel Tower as you walk out of our front door. "
"We stayed here for six nights, and cannot say enough about this wonderful hotel. The hotel is clean, the rooms small but very efficient, the staff is amazing." That's one rating of Hotel Eden, from a Californian guest.
Paris is the most romantic city in the world and we believe our hotel reflects that. "My girlfriend and I spent the night at Eden," writes one American visitor, "and couldn't have asked for a better place."
Our rooms are constantly updated with an eye on providing you with the style for which Paris is world-famous. "
"This is a hip hotel," says a TripAdvisor senior reviewer from Florida, "Great location: quiet and close to the Metro and restaurants. It is a small boutique hotel with chic decor."
Best boutique hotels in Paris
At Hotel Eden we're proud of our TripAdvisor rating because it results from the honest views of the people who are most important to us: our guests.
Come and stay with us and see why they're so enthusiastic about our intimate boutique hotel.
Copyright: Hotel Eden